EAPs Info for Employees

EAP Benefits for Employees:


People are the most invaluable of all business resources, so it makes sense that your employer needs to look after you. Employee Assistance Programmes can help to do this by providing strategies for coping with all manner of stresses and situations, whether they occur at work or outside it .


When an employee is dealing with personal issues such as mental illness, family problems or substance abuse, to name a few, the result is often a drop in concentration at work. This can affect productivity and safety, and lead to stress-related illness, absenteeism, instability in the workplace and reduced morale. All of these, while directly, and most importantly, affecting your life, also have a knock-on effect on your employer's business.


EAPs are provided by third party agencies that specialise in connecting employees with appropriate services according to their needs. Ripple Effects provide EAPs which provide employers with prevention, assessment and health management tools for their employees. This might be counselling, signposting to other local services, or practical ways to cope with situations, among other interventions. Each EAP is devised to cater to your individual needs and situation. This means that while helping you deal with life’s unavoidable ups and downs, managers can carry on their usual business as much as possible.


Ripple Effects will work with you and your employer to provide you with the best possible wellbeing services. We assess individual employee needs and provide you with confidential professional services. There is absolutely no question of divulging sensitive information to your manager or other agencies without your consent, although we do have a system for giving feedback and progress reports, in order to maintain transparency.


For more information about how Ripple Effects can help you,

telephone or email

Karl Astbury 01233 639046 07712 625592




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