Hypnotherapy in Schools Programme (HISP) is a programme which uses clinical hypnotherapy in educational settings to support the learning and general wellbeing of pupils and staff.
Hypnotherapy is a technique that uses deep relaxation combined with other techniques (i.e. guided imagery, therapeutic story-telling) to help elicit changes in thinking, feeling and behaviour. Clinical hypnotherapy NOT stage hypnosis is used in HISP. Clinical hypnotherapy uses techniques and strategies for therapeutic benefits as opposed to stage hypnosis which focuses solely on entertainment value.
The focus of the session will be around general de-stressing, relaxation, increasing feelings of wellbeing and confidence building. You will gain something out of it yourself but it will also help you understand what hypnotherapy feels like for if/when pupils in your school have sessions.
Attending the session is not compulsory. It is your choice if you wish to take part and you should not feel under any pressure to participate. Even during a session, you remain in control and can stop at any point if you want to for any reason.
HISP is not suitable for anyone who has a history of psychosis or is currently experiencing a period of psychosis. It is also not suitable for anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs at the time the session is conducted.
If you wish to take part, you will need to complete a questionnaire. This is to ensure that the session is safe and suitable for you. Staff who do not complete this will not be allowed to participate. These questionnaires are confidential and will only be read by the HISP Practitioner delivering the session. You should complete the questionnaire and place it in a sealed envelope. This will then either be collected by a member of your school staff to pass on the HISP Practitioner or it can be given to the HISP Practitioner in person when he/she is in school. The practitioner may speak with you about information on this questionnaire prior to the session being conducted but this will be done in private.
This session will last approximately 1 hour. You will need to be in a lying or semi-reclined position. It is essential that you are comfortable during this time so you are advised to bring in your own chair/mat/beanbag or any other item that assists this. You may choose to change into some comfy clothes for the duration of the session if you wish.
The sessions are run in small groups (max 5 people per group). It is up to school/participants to decide on how these groupings are arranged.
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