Jars of positivity

Jars of Positivity

A lovely idea originating in China.


Little jars of positivity: each one contains enough origami paper stars for you to open one every day for a month. Each star contains words of wisdom, love & positive thinking.


The contents of each jar are a unique combination of different coloured or patterned paper and a wide variety of mottos - some well known, others less so.


A lovely gift for someone special, or a great asset to the workplace where they could be opened by a different staff member each day and shared with colleagues.


The perfect pick me up each morning - simply unravel the star of your choice and read the words it contains. Who couldn't do with a little more positivity in their life?!


Jars are approximately 15cm high and are finished with gift tags embellished with a butterfly or star, printed with instructions for unwrapping stars without tearing them. Please state whether a butterfly or star is required (the butterflies tend to be a more feminine look, whereas the stars are less pink and girly!).


Larger bespoke quantities are available on request, for example in China it is the custom to give a jar containing 365 lucky stars to a person as a birthday gift.


Each jar of 31 stars costs £6 plus p&p


Click below to purchase





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